InfoWorld Bossies Close to my Heart

A couple interesting "Bossies" were awarded by InfoWorld this week:
  • Best Open Source Programming Language - Summary: Ruby gets mad props for a vibrant community and a diverse range of implementations (e.g. JRuby), and then they go squishy and say "and these other languages are great too!"
  • Best Open Source IDE - InfoWorld heaps praise on NetBeans largely because it has *not* gone the way of an amorphous, all-encompassing "platform" and has continued to take risks to improve the overall experience of the IDE. Before the work on NetBeans 6 (don't download M10; use a daily build) I was a nay-sayer myself; having used NetBeans 6 for many months now, I can honestly say it's far better than NetBeans 5.5 and has caught up or passed Eclipse in many ways. There's more to do, but I'm extremely impressed with the progress.
I try not to be too much of a Sun marketing shill, but both Bossies are pretty close to my heart. JRuby has been my passion for three years now, and NetBeans has taken a serious about face with greatly improved Java support and best-in-class Ruby support. It's good to see some recognition for hard work.
Written on September 12, 2007