OpenJDK Migration to Mercurial is Complete!

I'm really excited about this one. Kelly O'Hair reports that OpenJDK source has been fully migrated to Mercurial! This means that daily development on OpenJDK (eventually to produce Java 7 and other great things) will happen on the same repository that you, dear reader, can access from home. And it's using Mercurial, one of the two big Distributed SCM apps, so you can pull off an entire repo and maintain your own OpenJDK workshop at home. Excellent news...I now finally have an excuse to learn Hg, and I can finally put in the effort to get OpenJDK building with the knowledge that I'll safely be able to "pull" changes as they happen. Thank you to the OpenJDK migration team!

See also Kelly O'Hair's blog for articles on the OpenJDK Mercurial layout and how to work with it.
Written on December 7, 2007